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Enterprise security accessible
to small IT teams

How it started

In 2011, Felix, a computer software engineering student at the University of Pannonia, Hungary, founded a business providing VPN services and gaming solutions.

His expertise in virtualisation later led him to secure CI/CD pipelines for Evosoft and Gizmodo, and to roles in pentesting for major Dutch banks and insurance companies.

A world map made from green dots, with a cloud and a lock.
A seed was sown

In 2019, Felix realised the limitations of periodic penetration testing: its high cost and fleeting effectiveness, offering only a snapshot of an organisation's security, outdated within a day.

He also recognized the inadequacies in the market's enterprise vulnerability scanning tools, which were narrowly focused, inadequately probing vulnerabilities, and financially viable only for larger businesses.

A world map made from green dots, with a cloud and a lock.
The seed sprouted

In 2021, recognising a market gap, Felix collaborated with Harold, former Head of B2B Marketing at LG and Samsung Electronics.

Their extensive customer interactions revealed a demand among SMBs for affordable, automated pentesting.

They also discovered that smaller IT teams, often lacking security expertise, struggled with managing vulnerability scanners and analysing security data across multiple dashboards.

An image of a seed sprouting.
Push Button Pentesting

With Hackurity's Weave portal, IT Managers simply input their domain or IP range and push the button.

This activates the unique payload-less sequence, Atrax, which exploits vulnerabilities, initiates IT tech supply chain attacks, and automates social engineering.

Atrax also rescans automatically with any infrastructure changes or new CVEs, enabling IT Managers to sit back and patch, ensuring business safety.

A finger is pushing a button.
The team

Felix Nagy

Technical founder

Guido Galego


Bence Bakos

Fullstack Engineer

Rowan Sinclair

Advisor & Sales

Harold de Vries

Commercial founder

Andras Torma

Founding Engineer

Erik Evrard

Advisor & Sales

Stefan Seelen

Sales - Netherlands
Blaak 520
3011TA Rotterdam
The Netherlands

A map marker icon.
The logo of featuring cyan colored text with a camera in front of it.
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